Collab with Brooke!! Guest Post!

Hey guys!! I am excited to be able to do another collab with an awesome fellow blogger! Want to know what else is cool? She is also a Christian! We are doing guest posts about writing prompts and techniques. Check out my Guest post here on her blog: And get ready for her guestContinue reading “Collab with Brooke!! Guest Post!”

Le GaSp! UnReSpOnDeD tO pOsT?!?!

HeY gUyS! So, I tOlD yOu AlL tHaT i HaD nEvEr DoNe An asSuMpTiOnS pOsT bEfOrE rIgHt? WeLl……………. I aCtUaLlY dId MaKe OnE i ToAtALlY fOrGoT aBoUt! Le GaSp!!? SoOoOoOoOoOo…………………………….. I fElT lIkE i HaD tO mAkE tHiS pOsT aNd AnSwEr ThOsE!! FiRsT uP: FlOrA: ShE sAiD: In ReSpOnSe: I lIke WrItInG, bUt It’SContinue reading “Le GaSp! UnReSpOnDeD tO pOsT?!?!”

Let’s Start Tuesday off (Bad😈) Good😇! “Tips from a Not-So-Perfect Prankster”

Hey Guys! This Week is a fresh start so let prank some people! It’s a scientific fact that pulling pranks helps you grow and learn! It takes a lot of skill to pull some hard pranks and it grows your brain cells!! Is that awesome or what?! They are so fun! Prank #1: Short-Sheeting aContinue reading “Let’s Start Tuesday off (Bad😈) Good😇! “Tips from a Not-So-Perfect Prankster””

Open Contest: 9! WINNERS!!!

Hey Guys! I am excited to post the results! It was so very close all throughout the voting time but there must be a conclusion sometime! First up the: Original Mediums/Digital Winners! First Place: Creative Skate!! (6 Votes) Creative Skate’s blog: Tied for Second Place: Lucky Elise! (3 Votes) Lucky Elise’s blog: AndContinue reading “Open Contest: 9! WINNERS!!!”

May the Fourth be with You/Announcements!!!

Hey guys! I’m exited to say I now have over 150 followers! 153 to be exact! I can’t believe it! Thanks so much everyone! Look! I never thought it could happen!!!!! I also am getting views from Indonesia The United States India Canada The United Kingdom Australia Japan Germany France Egypt China Russia Mexico UkraineContinue reading “May the Fourth be with You/Announcements!!!”

Spring Is Here!

Hey Guys! Becky at Books and Hooks is celebrating 100 followers!! I hope you guys will hop over there and give her a congrats! She is also hosting a Springtime Contest! Rules Choose one photo that you took in 2022 that makes you think of spring! (animals, nature, flowers, etc.) Make sure the photo is appropriate. AnyContinue reading “Spring Is Here!”

Reacting to Your Assumptions

Hey Guys! I got some cool assumptions and I am here today to react and answer them. So stay with me to see if you won the blog review/showcase from me on my blog or an interview. My first assumptions came from 💛 Maya 🖤 at pottahwand: Thank you Maya! I am happy to answerContinue reading “Reacting to Your Assumptions”

Open Contest 9: Voting!

Hey guys! Happy May! It already is a new month? Crazy! I hope this helps start everyone’s week/month off great! We have some awesome entries this time so hopefully you all will support the contestants and vote on your favorite. Anyone can vote! Our Supporting Scripture! Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comesContinue reading “Open Contest 9: Voting!”

Joyful Moments in Christ

Following Jesus while Seeking Joy and Contentment in the Christian Life

Katherine Perry

I create because I have been created.

Reading Is My SuperPower


Issabelle Perry

Embracing the insanity and writing for Jesus!

Hanelle's Blog

A Homeschooler's Blog

Viola Smiles

Swimming News


A nerds blog about cats, books, movies and tv, comics, animals and more!

Behold Peace

a fable rose bible study

A Christian Kid's Journal

the documented journey of one made by Him and for Him

Another Chapter

life, one chapter at a time

Life with Liz

Join me on this crazy adventure of a lifetime!

The Texas Lass

Reflections, Reviews, & Random Writings

Z World

Better Than Yesterday ✨

Lillian Keith

Children's/Middle Grade Author

oliver neudorf

Writings and Thoughts


on life, cooking, family; the ramblings of a teenage girl

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