Photography Contest: Winners!!!

Originally posted on Books and Hooks:
Hello everybody! I hope you had a lovely weekend! Today, I’m going to be posting the winners of the photography contest that I hosted! ☺ First, let me just say that everyone’s photos were amazing, and I had such a hard time choosing which ones would win. But of…

Your First Impressions of Me!

Hey guys! So back in March, (Woah! That long ago??!) I decided to do a face reveal. But, in order to torture you guys even more,😈 I decided to first do a series of posts that lead up to it. I want everyone to get to know me better before I reveal the crazy faceContinue reading “Your First Impressions of Me!”

How Much Do I Love You WDYTB? Let Me Say!

Dear WDYTB, I know we have only known each other for 2 years, but it has felt like forever. Every time I see your name I light up with happiness. You spark my creativity and inspire me to think outside the box. Oh WDYTB! Every month that you are gone I lose a little bitContinue reading “How Much Do I Love You WDYTB? Let Me Say!”

The Awkward Blogger Award!

Hey Guys! Pela nominated me for: The Awkward Blogger Award! Thank you so much Pela! Go check out her blog! It’s awesome! Rules: Thank the blogger who nominated you Include the graphic and rules in your post Answer the 5 awkward questions: 1. What are three words you find boring? 2. Finish this line: “IContinue reading “The Awkward Blogger Award!”

Inky’s Custom Contest

Hey Guys! Inky made a contest that Maggie later did and nominated me for. I am finally getting to it so yippiee!! Rules: add the featured image on the start of the post (but you can make your own design, and place mine at the end. follow the selected categories: writing, painting, designing or baking. max threeContinue reading “Inky’s Custom Contest”

Heyo!😂Funny Story/Update😂

Hey guys!😂 So I wanted to share a funny story with you all.😂 It happened a few weeks ago.😂 Maybe you have seen the changes in my Bio’s?😂 Well, funny story…😂 I was actually writing a post or something (I can’t remember the exact circumstance), and I typed the words: “The story of Corrie isContinue reading “Heyo!😂Funny Story/Update😂”

Interview with M!a

Hey Guys! Today I am sharing with you an interview I had with the Winner of my Assumptions Post! You can check that out here if you have not already: Assumptions & Reacting to the Assumptions The winner was M!a! Today I am interviewing her since she picked that prize! Corrie: Hello M!a! How areContinue reading “Interview with M!a”

Open Contest 10! Hope!

Hey guys!! Can you believe we are already at our Tenth Open Contest? Or that we have done Nine of these? Crazy! I would never have hoped that we would come this far or have such amazing contestants every time. But we do! Today is the 16th! I am announcing this early (*actually on timeContinue reading “Open Contest 10! Hope!”

Guest Post Announcement!

Originally posted on Low Expectations:
Hey everyone! In the last post I teased a guest post with Corrie from over at Miraculous Homeschool. So, without further ado, here it is! Special thanks to Corrie for letting me ramble about writing for waaaay too long. Go and send her some love for sure! Alright! That’s…

Joyful Moments in Christ

Following Jesus while Seeking Joy and Contentment in the Christian Life

Katherine Perry

I create because I have been created.

Reading Is My SuperPower


Issabelle Perry

Embracing the insanity and writing for Jesus!

Hanelle's Blog

A Homeschooler's Blog

Viola Smiles

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A Christian Kid's Journal

the documented journey of one made by Him and for Him

Another Chapter

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The Texas Lass

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Z World

Better Than Yesterday ✨

Lillian Keith

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oliver neudorf

Writings and Thoughts


on life, cooking, family; the ramblings of a teenage girl

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