WDYTB Q&A (plus extras😁)

Hey Guys! It’s time for the “long awaited” Q&A with the WDYTB (We Dare You To Blog) hosts! I want to thank everyone who has participated and supported WDYTB this year! Maggie and I could not have done it by ourselves! I mean…………. we could have, but it would not been nearly as much fun!Continue reading “WDYTB Q&A (plus extras😁)”

So, I just saw this awesome movie and I needed to share it with you before the next dare came out!

Hey Guys! Like I said, I just saw this awesome movie called The Hunger Games. It was about these warring tribes of people. So, there are not that many deer in this world, and that’s a problem because that is their main food source. The main plot is this girl has to hunt down someContinue reading “So, I just saw this awesome movie and I needed to share it with you before the next dare came out!”

Photo for Tigerlilly’s spring photo contest!

Hey Guys! Happy Saturday! I am writing this on Thursday evening, but I figured out how scheduling works so…. Yay me! hehhehehehehe😏 be prepared for posts not everyone. I made a post earlier this week about a photo contest I’m entering, but in case you did not see it, here is the link: The deadlineContinue reading “Photo for Tigerlilly’s spring photo contest!”

WDYTB Update

Hey Guys! I know everyone has been enjoying these dares and coming up with posts, and it’s been an honor, for me, to be able to co-host them with Maggie. But, I have been getting really busy with school and I have also been getting ready for a trip I’m taking the first of nextContinue reading “WDYTB Update”

Artistry Tournament: Voting!

Hey Guys! I have been swamped with stuff, but I finally cleared away a tiny bit of space in my timeframe to post the voting for you. What have I been busy with you ask? But, let’s move forward into the voting! I want to thank everyone who entered and everyone who has followed thisContinue reading “Artistry Tournament: Voting!”

Double Reminder 📢📣

Hey guys! I wanted to jump on here real quick and let you know the status of the two events currently going on. First up: Artistry Tournament #1: If you go to that post you will find the deadline and links to the info posts and a few other things! The deadline closes on theContinue reading “Double Reminder 📢📣”


Hey Guys! Its finally the day! Signups are open! They will be open till the 2nd, since we post the first dare then. But, before we can get to the signups, here are a few guidelines and rules. But nothing serious. We are a fun competiton 😁 WDYTB Rules + Information • We Dare YouContinue reading “WDYTB SIGNUPS”

Artistry Tournament Update

Hey guys! I have been notably absent as you all know. But I have quite a few things coming up shortly and this I had to do before t get’s too late. I have gotten a few submissions so far, but I am running a bit behind and I have other people who have notContinue reading “Artistry Tournament Update”

Joyful Moments in Christ

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Better Than Yesterday ✨

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