WDYTB Q&A (plus extras😁)

Hey Guys! It’s time for the “long awaited” Q&A with the WDYTB (We Dare You To Blog) hosts! I want to thank everyone who has participated and supported WDYTB this year! Maggie and I could not have done it by ourselves! I mean…………. we could have, but it would not been nearly as much fun!Continue reading “WDYTB Q&A (plus extras😁)”

Artistry Tournament: Voting!

Hey Guys! I have been swamped with stuff, but I finally cleared away a tiny bit of space in my timeframe to post the voting for you. What have I been busy with you ask? But, let’s move forward into the voting! I want to thank everyone who entered and everyone who has followed thisContinue reading “Artistry Tournament: Voting!”

@Selina, Mountains!

Hey Guys! Here is my design for Selina’s design contest. You can check it out HERE if you are interested or want to join in. There are still a few days left to enter! I choose the Prompt: Snowcapped Mountains My design includes a drawing of mine done traditionally(left), a drawing of mine done digitally(right),Continue reading “@Selina, Mountains!”

Scary Characters

Hey Lucky Elise! And Friends! Happy Reformation Day! What is Reformation day? This post explains it better than I can: https://thinktruethoughts.wordpress.com/2016/10/31/reformation-day-celebrate-the-light/ & this one: https://www.concordia.edu/blog/five-solas-of-the-protestant-reformation.html Anyway, Here are our drawings: Tiny Shroom: Her title is Mother of the Forest. She protects the forest, helping the trees grow strong, prepares the plants and animals for winter,Continue reading “Scary Characters”


Hey Lucky Elise and friends! Here are our drawings. Sorry they took so long. TinyShroom: She is not a mean or scary witch. She helps animals. The smoking cauldron in front of her is filled with stew for hungry animals. Spicy Pepper: She likes the fall weather because she is most powerful then. The owlContinue reading “Witches”

Open Contest 10: Voting!

Hey Guys! I am ashamed to say that I never go around to posting on this. I did not get a lot of entries then summer hit and bam! Life went all: “hahaha, thought you had time for blogging? HAHAHHAHAHA” Anyway, I want to show everyone the entries I did get and give those contestersContinue reading “Open Contest 10: Voting!”

Joyful Moments in Christ

Following Jesus while Seeking Joy and Contentment in the Christian Life

Katherine Perry

I create because I have been created.

Reading Is My SuperPower


Issabelle Perry

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Hanelle's Blog

A Homeschooler's Blog

Viola Smiles

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a fable rose bible study

A Christian Kid's Journal

the documented journey of one made by Him and for Him

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life, one chapter at a time

Life with Liz

Join me on this crazy adventure of a lifetime!

The Texas Lass

Reflections, Reviews, & Random Writings

Z World

Better Than Yesterday ✨

Lillian Keith

Children's/Middle Grade Author

oliver neudorf

Writings and Thoughts


on life, cooking, family; the ramblings of a teenage girl

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