What if?

Hey Mia! Here is my post. (I actually wrote the first half of this before you made me an admin on the site. I figured I could still post it though.) So you know me. I am Corrie. Art Contest Host, Blogger, Reader, and Warrior Cat Crazy. I have read every Warrior book I canContinue reading “What if?”


Hey Guys! Here is Tigerclaw becoming Tigerstar and getting his nine lives! Super Big thanks to my dad who got me the Warrior Cat guide that had the story of it! In case you all don’t know the story of who Tigerclaw is: Tigerclaw was an evil cat who tried to take over Thunderclan. HeContinue reading “Tigerclaw-now-Star!”


Hello everyone! Here is another drawing of a character in Spiritkeeper’s drawing contest/not-contest. Sandfur, the mate of Moonshadow! Theme: Cat art number 2. Draw Sandfur. Description: “red tabby tom with one black eye and one green eye” You can add extra things too!!! So here he is: I made his tail extra red/orange and kindaContinue reading “Sandfur.”


Here she is. She is from a fan-fiction that Spiritkeeper is writing: Moonshadow’s kits I made her extra fat because she is pregnant. I used a white color pencil on the white parts to make it look milky but I don’t think it really changes the look much. Sorry about the face. I tried myContinue reading “Moonshadow!”

Fireheart and Bluestar!

Hey guys! First up this post is important because it is post number: 117! That is a lot! Also, 17 is my favorite number! It is a Warrior cat post in response to Spirtkeeper’s challenge: Can you draw? Well yes I can! I did this digital so it is not like my regular art butContinue reading “Fireheart and Bluestar!”

Joyful Moments in Christ

Following Jesus while Seeking Joy and Contentment in the Christian Life

Katherine Perry

I create because I have been created.

Reading Is My SuperPower


Issabelle Perry

Embracing the insanity and writing for Jesus!

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Viola Smiles

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A Christian Kid's Journal

the documented journey of one made by Him and for Him

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Life with Liz

Join me on this crazy adventure of a lifetime!

The Texas Lass

Reflections, Reviews, & Random Writings

Z World

Better Than Yesterday ✨

Lillian Keith

Children's/Middle Grade Author

oliver neudorf

Writings and Thoughts


on life, cooking, family; the ramblings of a teenage girl

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