Open Contest 7: Voting!!!!!!!

Hey Guys! So, So, So, sorry about all the delay. I was busy and it took longer than I thought. Thank you Sawyer for making the Delay post for me! Note: Everyone who reads this post can vote if they want. Please vote on all the polls. There are 4! It’s finally time! We haveContinue reading “Open Contest 7: Voting!!!!!!!”

Open Contest 6 Winners!

Hey Guys! I feel really bad about this being so late. I meant to post this last month but I got really busy. I did not forget about you though! First up we have poems: The contestsants: Evalor the Valiant: Blog Poem La Cabra: BLog(heh heh😉) & Poem There was a tie at the endContinue reading “Open Contest 6 Winners!”

Open Contest 6~!!!!!!

Hey Guys! It’s that time of the month again!! Anyone who reads this post can vote! Lets just jump right into it shall we? Thank you everyone for entering and helping out! The rules: This contest is purely optional. You are not obliged to participate but please let me know if you are unable toContinue reading “Open Contest 6~!!!!!!”

Two Days

Hey guys! You all have TWO more days left in which to enter this Open Contest. It is the 28th in my time zone. IF it is the 29th in your time zone and I have not posted to say that the deadline is over than you have more time. I will make a postContinue reading “Two Days”

One Week More

Hey Guys! This is just a reminder that you all have one more week to turn in your entries for this Open Contest. I need your art by Midnight on Saturday! Happy Monday Everyone! Corrie.S.P.

Open Contest 6. First of the New Year!

Hey Guys! It is a new year! Happy 2022 everyone! I hope everyone is well and in good spirits! Every year at the beginning people sometimes make resolutions or lists of goals for the fresh start. Even if you don’t make goals everyone wants certain things for the new year. That is what This month’sContinue reading “Open Contest 6. First of the New Year!”

Open Contest 5: Winners + Certificates.

Hey Guys! The 5th Open Contest has now passed, I can hardly believe it. The voting was really super close! At one point it looked like this: Haha: 4-3-2-1………………. But 5 votes later and: Tiny Shroom and La Cabra were tied!! The voting was really close but the tie was broken! The winner is: TINYContinue reading “Open Contest 5: Winners + Certificates.”

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