The Make a Moment Challenge!

Hey guys!

Today I am doing the Make-A-Moment Challenge.

Maggie @MaggiesDoodles nominated me for this tag a long time ago so I have finally gotten time to do it.

Credit to shiny787!


  • Use the graphic above!
  • Mention the creator of the tag (@MeWrites)
  • Include the rules
  • Do the challenge
  • Nominate 5 more bloggers (let them know by ping-backing their post, or commenting on your favorite)
  • Add a moment to the list!(please make it nice, this challenge is supposed to encourage people to be kinder to others!)
  • If you do this tag, pingback my post so I can see yours!
  • Tag it ‘The Make-a-Moment Challenge’!


“you recreate each of these moments, share what you did, and include your thoughts on each one! Which was your favorite?”

  • Genuinely compliment someone
  • Smile at a stranger
  • Listen to your favorite song and draw what you feel
  • Go outside and look at the sky for 3 minutes:))
  • Stop and enjoy the moment
  • Try something new
  • Make someone laugh
  • Talk to a little kid and make them smile.

✅Listen to your favorite song and draw what you feel:

I don’t have a favorite song. I like so many so it was hard to choose (well………… actually it was not, I immediately knew which one I would do), But I picked We Delight by Caedmon’s Call.

My thoughts/doodles:

I can see you are all thinking: What?!

If you want to try to guess what I drew those from you can listen to the song and tell me if you guessed them correctly. I would love to hear from you if you do. It’s an amazing song.

How I drew it:

Let me know if the link works.

✅(Mine): Talk to a little kid and make them smile:

Wednesday I was at a park and Papa was playing with a little boy. They were throwing a football around. Kicking it and such. I started playing with them and now they were kicking it back and forth, I asked the boy if he liked to kick or throw better. He said he liked them both but his finger felt like it was broken so he was kicking it. I told him “I feel ya.” I said, “My face felt broken when they hit me in the face with a ball.” He smiled and laughed.

✅Smile at a stranger:

I do this all the time. I hate it when I am in a public place and people don’t smile or act nice to me so when I’m out I like to smile all the time if I can.

✅Stop and enjoy the moment:

I did this today when I was talking to a friend I had not been able to talk to since she was sick.

✅Try something new:

Lately I have been walking and jogging in the evening or morning.

✅Genuinely compliment someone:

I do this when I talk to new people and I want them to feel more comfortable or relaxed. I try and take their mind of their nervousness.

✅Make someone laugh:

Today I made my sister laugh.

✅Go outside and look at the sky for 3 minutes:))

I did this Friday evening when it was finally cooler. The sky was a really pretty shade of blue.

I nominate:








Anyone else who want’s to do it.

I hope you all enjoyed this post!


Published by Corrie.S.P.

The story of Corrie is a strange and fantastic tale told over many generations. It mostly consists of Scripture, books, friends, and fun. But, it has been known to include crochet, cooking, baking, drawing, and organization. Corrie, is a strange beast and likes to dwell in shadows observing life and reading mysteries. She plays with animals and has a few close friends. Jesus Christ died for her sins and she will willingly talk to anyone about the Scriptures. If you wish to seek her friendship you must be honest, friendly, true, faithful, charitable, compassionate, and kind. No ordinary person can win the trust of the Corrie. Explore a little bit of her mind on her blogs, she enjoys getting comments on her posts. It means a lot to her. It means that someone took the time to pay attention and read her post and that is an awesome thing! And remember, tread carefully, for Corrie is always watching.

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