The Make a Moment Challenge!

Hey guys! Today I am doing the Make-A-Moment Challenge. Maggie @MaggiesDoodles nominated me for this tag a long time ago so I have finally gotten time to do it. Rules: Use the graphic above! Mention the creator of the tag (@MeWrites) Include the rules Do the challenge Nominate 5 more bloggers (let them know by ping-backingContinue reading “The Make a Moment Challenge!”

Joyful Moments in Christ

Following Jesus while Seeking Joy and Contentment in the Christian Life

Katherine Perry

I create because I have been created.

Reading Is My SuperPower


Issabelle Perry

Embracing the insanity and writing for Jesus!

Hanelle's Blog

A Homeschooler's Blog

Viola Smiles

A blog about sports and life.


A nerds blog about cats, books, movies and tv, comics, animals and more!

Behold Peace

a fable rose bible study

A Christian Kid's Journal

the documented journey of one made by Him and for Him

Another Chapter

life, one chapter at a time

Life with Liz

Join me on this crazy adventure of a lifetime!

The Texas Lass

Reflections, Reviews, & Random Writings

Z World

Better Than Yesterday ✨

Lillian Keith

Children's/Middle Grade Author

oliver neudorf

Writings and Thoughts


on life, cooking, family; the ramblings of a teenage girl

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