What I liked and disliked about English 6


Lesson: 175


Assignment: Write a one-to-two-page paper summarizing what you learned in this literature class, or how it was helpful to you in school this year. What did you like? Dislike? Favorite book?

What I liked and disliked about English 6

RPC English grade 6 has taught me many things. Perhaps most importantly it has taught me grammar and good writing. I read many good books this year and there were some challenges along the way.

This course was set up a little differently than last time. Last time it was the same teacher and there was a grammar lesson every day for four days, worksheet, vocabulary words and then there was a reading assignment of one-two chapters every day. At the end of every five lessons the fifth was a review lesson of the week’s studies and the teacher gave you a writing assignment.

This year it was set up for two weeks of literature studies -usually on the book we were reading- and vocabulary words every day for ten lessons. At the end of each five lessons there was a review of the reading that week and a writing assignment Then after that part of the class there were ten lessons of grammar, a worksheet every day, and at the end of every fifth lesson review we had either a project to work on or a writing assignment. It was like that the whole course. Ten days of literature, ten days of grammar studies.

It was strange at first getting used to this schedule but soon you were accustomed to it. The grammar part of the course was sometimes challenging but not as hard for me as the previous two courses and all the different rules, and sentence classifying. Once you took the two courses previous, I believe you have a better understanding so that grade six became much easier.

The writing assignments were fun and moderately hard to accomplish. I enjoyed writing them. Some I put more effort into then others but all in all I think it was a successful course.

I liked all of the books I read this year. They were less challenging for me than the last course. I had already read: The Swiss Family Robinson, Just So Stories, and Call of the Wild. I did reread them anyway and I liked them that way as well. One thing I disliked was in the PDF file of The Swiss Family Robinson it left out many chapters and it would be very hard for someone who had never read the book in its full telling to understand parts of it. The most challenging book for me this year was Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates. Mostly because of the hard words and some long chapters. I did end up enjoying it a lot at the end though. My favorite book of the ones I already read had to be Call of the Wild. Up till this course I had only read an abridged version, and, while it was good it can’t touch the original in descriptions and storytelling. I felt as if I was there in the story. My favorite out of the new ones was The Cat of Bubastes. Perhaps my favorite part of the book was the strong sense of Christianism and the fact that it was set in Egypt. The characters were also very good.

In summary at first I disliked the way the course was set up but eventually came to be used to it. The books were interesting and fun to read. My favorites were The Cat of Bubastes and Call of the Wild. The most challenging book was Hans Brinker and the Silver Skates.


Published by Corrie.S.P.

The story of Corrie is a strange and fantastic tale told over many generations. It mostly consists of Scripture, books, friends, and fun. But, it has been known to include crochet, cooking, baking, drawing, and organization. Corrie, is a strange beast and likes to dwell in shadows observing life and reading mysteries. She plays with animals and has a few close friends. Jesus Christ died for her sins and she will willingly talk to anyone about the Scriptures. If you wish to seek her friendship you must be honest, friendly, true, faithful, charitable, compassionate, and kind. No ordinary person can win the trust of the Corrie. Explore a little bit of her mind on her blogs, she enjoys getting comments on her posts. It means a lot to her. It means that someone took the time to pay attention and read her post and that is an awesome thing! And remember, tread carefully, for Corrie is always watching.

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