Coming right up: Second Dare!



Published by Corrie.S.P.

The story of Corrie is a strange and fantastic tale told over many generations. It mostly consists of Scripture, books, friends, and fun. But, it has been known to include crochet, cooking, baking, drawing, and organization. Corrie, is a strange beast and likes to dwell in shadows observing life and reading mysteries. She plays with animals and has a few close friends. Jesus Christ died for her sins and she will willingly talk to anyone about the Scriptures. If you wish to seek her friendship you must be honest, friendly, true, faithful, charitable, compassionate, and kind. No ordinary person can win the trust of the Corrie. Explore a little bit of her mind on her blogs, she enjoys getting comments on her posts. It means a lot to her. It means that someone took the time to pay attention and read her post and that is an awesome thing! And remember, tread carefully, for Corrie is always watching.

11 thoughts on “Coming right up: Second Dare!

  1. Heya!!

    If you have not turned in your post for the first dare yet,( the time is up.

    But, don’t lose heart! Because there are SEVEN more dares to go! You read that right! 7!

    Now, let’s look at the scoreboard as see where everyone stands!


    Charlie: 5 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0
    Viola: 5 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0
    Kaley: 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0
    Mischief (Diamond): 5 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0
    AnnaKate: 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0
    Betsy Jane: 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0
    Tiny Shroom: 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0
    Elise: 5 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0
    Brooklyn: 5 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0 // 0

    And now onto the competition:


    The second dare of the competition/week issss:


    Make a post using only comments!

    Fun right? Now you know the reason for my weird post format😉😏
    Now, lets jump into a few rules/guidelines:


    1. You can have a title. Titles are allowed and encouraged, in fact, it’s best to go along as normal as usual.
    2. You can have a signoff in the post. Yep, just as you saw with mine, signoff are good.
    3. The body/greeting of your post must all be one comment. If there are a bunch of little comments it will get messy. We don’t want that.
    4. You get 4 points for completing the dare. BUT, if you speak about the dare or the competition on your blog or some else’s blog, you only get TWO points.
    5. When Maggie or I liked your post, you know it qualifies!
    6. you have till right now, (the moment you first read this post) until Next Tuesday at 8am Eastern Time.


    There is still a chance to sign up for WDYTB! Signups are open till the next dare comes out on the 9th 8am Eastern Time!
    Click here to signup:


  2. Reblogged this on Behind the Scenes of Maggie and commented:
    Hey guys!! Happy Friday! It’s time for the 2ND DARE for We Dare You To Blog(: Let Corrie know if you have any questions about it! Otherwise, you have 4 days to complete it qualify!


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