English: Week 13 Review

English Review Lesson: 65 6/29/2023 Corrie.S.P. Writing assignment. Write 100 words on this topic: “Was Washington’s program for gaining social acceptance for blacks an elitist program?” Booker .T. Washington did not view his program as elitist. He believed that every black person could gain the same benefits that he had attained, through hard work andContinue reading “English: Week 13 Review”

Booker .T. Washington’s Slavery Complaints

Corrie.S.P. 2/27/2023 English Review Lesson: 55 Writing assignment: 500 words on this topic: “What were Washington’s arguments against the slave system?” The slave system was a terrible thing. Just the idea that you are never to be free is a horrifying thought. No man should be kept in captivity like an animal. But, what wereContinue reading “Booker .T. Washington’s Slavery Complaints”

The Bible & The Persecutor

English Grade 9 2/22/2023 Review Lesson 50 Writing assignment: Write 500 words on this topic: “Has any piece of literature affected you in a major way? If so, explain how. If not, explain why not.” I would say that there are two books that have affected me in a major way thus far in myContinue reading “The Bible & The Persecutor”

Release from “Prison”: Hellen Keller

English Review Lesson: 45 2/13/2023 Corrie.S.P. Writing assignment: 500 words on this theme: “Which were the key incidents that led her out of her ‘prison.’” Helen Keller was an extraordinary woman. She could not see or hear. But she learned to read, to speak, to communicate and she even went to collage and graduated withContinue reading “Release from “Prison”: Hellen Keller”

Kourdakov’s Writing

Corrie.S.P. 2/1/2023 Lesson: 40 Review English Grade 9 Writing assignment: 500 words on this topic: Which is most important in writing dialogue from memory: accuracy, succinctness, or liveliness? Why? In his book, The Persecutor, Sergei Kourdakov uses strong writing to pull you in to his book. From the first words of the 1st chapter, heContinue reading “Kourdakov’s Writing”


English Grade 9 Lesson 35: Review. 1/27/2023 Corrie.S.P. Write 500 words on this topic. “Describe Kourdakov’s use of contrasts to strengthen his narrative.” Examples: Sunday afternoon’s activities, or the meetings — public and private — where he got his award, or the leaders of the USSR vs. the leaders of the victims. Do you thinkContinue reading “Contrasts”

Kourdakov, Failed Assignment

English Lesson: 30 Review 1/24/2023 Corrie.S.P. Writing assignment: 500 words this topic: “Describe the choices that led him to the failed assignment.” Possible topics: Army vs. Navy, Lenin prayer vs. the slave labor city, joining a crime syndicate vs. staying clean, telling the truth about suicide vs. telling a lie. The Persecutor, has many stories.Continue reading “Kourdakov, Failed Assignment”

Life Changes

English Lesson: 25 Corrie.S.P. 12/14/2022 Writing assignment: 500 words on major turning points in your life. What changed? Why were they turning points? How did they take place? Probably the biggest turning point in my life was the addition of my foster sister to our family. That has changed the way I thought, acted, myContinue reading “Life Changes”

James Lehrer’s Attack.

Corrie.S.P. English, Grade 9 Lesson 15 10/24/2022 Assignment: Write 500 words on this topic: “Discuss some of the good things that came as a result of his heart attack.” Jim Lehrer had a heart attack at the age of 49. He woke up very early with pains, his wife said that they should call theContinue reading “James Lehrer’s Attack.”

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