I am hosting a photo contest

Hey Guys!
I know right? Two posts in one day?! Shocker! (I totally don’t post three or four a day and then just disappear for days….👀) But this month I’m doing pretty good. If Only I could figure out why WordPress won’t schedule posts like it says?🤔
This post is a re-blog of another contest I’m entering and I wanted to share it so I could have some competition and if anyone was interested in photography they might have fun.
Side Note, The deadline for the Artistry Tournament is past, but I am a little behind, I’m going to post the voting post tomorrow morning, so, if anyone has any last minuet entries feel free to send them in today.

That’s all for now!


A Scoop Of My Life

Hey YA’ll,

I am hosting a photo contest! I would really appreciate it if you would enter the contest.

Each photo can be sent to me through email, my email is Tigerlilly22@protonmail.com or you can post it on your blog. Please let me know which way you will be entering your photo.

Every person will have one pass if they are not able to turn in their photo that week. Also, every week there will be a theme that the photos will follow.

The photos are due Sunday. Each week someone will be eliminated or will be disqualified if they do not enter their photo after using their pass. The last person in the contest wins!

The theme for this week is spring.


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Published by Corrie.S.P.

The story of Corrie is a strange and fantastic tale told over many generations. It mostly consists of Scripture, books, friends, and fun. But, it has been known to include crochet, cooking, baking, drawing, and organization. Corrie, is a strange beast and likes to dwell in shadows observing life and reading mysteries. She plays with animals and has a few close friends. Jesus Christ died for her sins and she will willingly talk to anyone about the Scriptures. If you wish to seek her friendship you must be honest, friendly, true, faithful, charitable, compassionate, and kind. No ordinary person can win the trust of the Corrie. Explore a little bit of her mind on her blogs, she enjoys getting comments on her posts. It means a lot to her. It means that someone took the time to pay attention and read her post and that is an awesome thing! And remember, tread carefully, for Corrie is always watching.

3 thoughts on “I am hosting a photo contest

    1. It’s ok. I’m glad we have someone following along on this contest journey😂
      I just posted an update on the other prompts this morning so you can see how we are doing if you have not already😁

      Liked by 1 person

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